Sustainability Tō mātou manawanui ki ngā take ukauka

Sustainability Sustainability
Our firm is playing an active part in Aotearoa New Zealand’s sustainability journey, which is already underway.

We are passionate about helping to shape our country's future, and we believe in using our collective skills, time, and resources to make a positive impact for our people, our clients, our communities and our planet.

To create the sustainable future we want to see, we commit to three pillars built upon te taiao (environment), ngā tāngata (people) and ngā tikanga (practices). These three pillars see us playing our part in a low emission, circular economy; contributing to social empowerment; and using our position as strategic advisers to positively shape our country’s future.


Our Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025

Our Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025 mission is to make a sustainable positive impact for our people, clients, communities, and planet through reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste to landfill, protecting and promoting human rights, eradicating modern slavery and ensuring people are paid a living wage, promoting diversity and inclusion and respecting Te Ao Māori and the world view of other indigenous communities.

Our Sustainability Strategy confirms our commitment to a low carbon future, meaning we will use less and waste less; we will be an inclusive and equitable place to work, while doing what matters for people and communities; and we will partner with clients and others to tackle sustainability issues.

We are proud to be a Toitū carbonreduce organisation, meaning we have been independently verified as measuring and managing our operational greenhouse gas emissions –including business travel, electricity, vehicles and offices – in line with international standard for carbon footprints ISO 14064-1.

We are continuously working to manage and reduce our emissions as we work towards our goal of being net zero carbon by 2050.


Responsible consumption and production of goods and services 

Underpinning our commitment to positive outcomes for our planet, we have implemented a Responsible Consumption and Production of Goods and Services policy, which contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12. 

We are striving to be net zero carbon by 2050 and are currently working towards external certification.



We partner with Toitū Tahua, the Centre for Sustainable Finance, in its quest to leverage the power and resources of Aotearoa New Zealand’s financial industry for an equitable, inclusive and thriving low-emissions economy. Our firm helped establish Toitū Tahua and provides ongoing legal advice to the Centre and some of its implementation groups.

We were also the first New Zealand law firm to commit to climate conscious drafting applying the approach taken in The Chancery Lane Project and introduced the initiative to our clients and wider community.
In 2021, our firm proudly became a Living Wage employer, a movement that emerged as a response to growing poverty and inequality holding back New Zealand workers and families.

If you have a strategic proposal about sustainability, please get in touch with one of our experts.

Community impact Community impact

Community impact Pānga Hapori

Our Community Investment Programme supports grassroots and community organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand. This is one way we create a greater impact and help to shape our country’s future.

Learn more
Diversity and inclusion Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion Kanorau me te whakawhanaungatanga

Our purpose, vision and values define who we are and our ambitions for the future. Our values – waka eke noa, waka whakarei and waka hourua – are part of our DNA and are at the core of our firm’s unique culture. We champion diversity and inclusion within our firm, the legal profession and our wider communities.

Learn more