Liz Hill

Senior Associate Pouarataki Pāhake


Kia ora tātou
Ko Ōwairaka te maunga
Ko Hauraki te awa
Nō Whangārei ahau
Ko Hill tōku whānau
Ko Liz tōku ingoa

Liz is a dispute resolution expert who specialises in advising on and resolving disputes within the construction industry.

Liz acts for a variety of parties to construction disputes. Her clients include residential homeowners and builders, as well as principals, head contractors and sub-contractors in large commercial projects.

Liz’s expertise spans a wide range of construction disputes. She advises on defective building claims, both from the perspective of the contractor and the owner/principal, including bringing and defending extension of time claims. She is also experienced in enforcement of Construction Contracts Act 2002 (CCA) determinations and unanswered Payment Claims, including considering the interplay between the CCA and the personal and corporate insolvency regimes.

As a former barrister, Liz has significant advocacy experience. She has represented clients in the District Court, High Court, and Court of Appeal, as well as in arbitrations and mediations. She has extensive experience conducting Adjudications under the CCA.

Liz brings a practical approach to dealing with disputes, striving for outcomes that are legally sound and commercially astute. With in-house experience as Senior Legal Counsel at Vodafone, Liz appreciates the commercial drivers for her clients. She recognises the impact of litigation on businesses and endeavours to minimise its disruption with timely and pragmatic advice.

Career highlights

Acting for one of New Zealand’s largest retirement village operators in a major dispute.

Acting on a successful High Court judicial review of a determination in a Construction Contracts Act adjudication.

Acting for a purchaser of a leaky home in a claim against the vendor who misrepresented the nature of the property. Successful High Court claim upheld in the Court of Appeal.

Acting for a contractor who had obtained a favourable Construction Contracts Act (CCA) determination against a homeowner which remained unpaid. Successfully defended an application to set aside bankruptcy notice which was based on the unpaid determination, resulting in payment by the homeowner of the outstanding determination in order to avoid bankruptcy.

  • Member, Infrastructure New Zealand
  • Member, Society of Construction Law New Zealand
Achievements and recognition
  • Band 1 team, Construction, Chambers Asia-Pacific
  • Tier 1 team, Construction, The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific