Clients and Markets Director
Kaiwhakawhanake Pakihi me te Ringatohu Whakatairanga
Scott is responsible for the Clients and Markets function of MinterEllisonRuddWatts and oversees the business development and marketing strategy. Scott originally joined the firm in April 2019 and has returned after a 3-year period where he set us a successful ESG market strategy consulting business.
Scott has a passion for innovation and exploring new ways of working and collaborating with clients. He is particularly interested in sustainability and climate mitigation. He also recently completed his chartered governance qualification with the Institute of Directors.
Before re-joining MinterEllisonRuddWatts, Scott was the Oceania Business Development Leader for EY where he led the business development teams for Australia and New Zealand. Prior to that, Scott worked in both London and New Zealand in business development and consulting roles. He originally practised as a corporate lawyer at another leading commercial law firm in New Zealand.
As a former (reformed) lawyer, Scott is interested in how the market for legal and advisory services is evolving over time through key drivers such as the demand for increased collaboration & client centricity, greater use of technology and the future of work.