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You need robust processes and the right people to deliver on major projects. We’ll partner with you to ensure you get the outcome you need.

Public sector procurement is our “bread and butter”. There will be no upskilling required when you work with us. We know how government works, we have intrinsic knowledge of the Government Procurement Rules and Business Case requirements, and we regularly work with All of Government (AoG) panel appointees. 

We are trusted advisers to many public sector organisations and have a track record of achieving successful outcomes on nationally significant technology, property, construction, and infrastructure projects.

We understand the importance of achieving public value when spending the ‘public purse’. We’ve done this before, we’re a safe pair of hands, and we achieve excellent results.

We also understand the drivers and preferences of New Zealand’s consultants and contractors contracting in the public sector – this comes with our many years of experience dealing with them in this capacity. 

Whether you are a customer or a supplier, we are able to hone in on the key issues, which achieves time and cost-effective results for our clients. 

We will work closely with you to:

  • Select the appropriate procurement approach
  • Comply with Government Rules of Sourcing
  • Develop and/or advise on “request for” documentation, including RFP, ROI, RFI, RFQ and their responses
  • Advise on strategy and structure of transactions
  • Draft, negotiate, and advise on all forms of commercial contracts

Recent highlights
Procurement advice to Project NEXT

Advising Project NEXT, the Waka Kotahi led project, on an ongoing basis for the procurement of a national public transport ticketing solution by Waka Kotahi and New Zealand regional public transport authorities. This is a significant procurement transaction involving the provision of both ticketing services and financial services for an open-loop, account-based, national ticketing solution to deliver a better user experience for users of public transport and a more efficient public transport system.

Mission critical procurement for Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland 

Advising Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland (formerly Auckland DHB) on its procurement of its Patient Administration System – a mission critical technology system which will manage the patient’s arrival and journey while in the hospital's care. This involved procurement process, contracts, negotiation and exec level management and briefings.

Development of vital Anchor Projects following the Canterbury earthquakes

Helping with the Christchurch rebuild following the Canterbury Earthquakes. This has included establishing the legal joint venture advising on the programme of works, advising on procurement and probity, and drafting, negotiating, and advising on project documents for the Government’s key projects. Projects advised on include the Justice Precinct, the Bus Interchange, and the Avon River Precinct.

Major works contracts for hospitals

Acting for both Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland (formerly Auckland DHB) and Te Whatu Ora - Taranaki (formerly Taranaki DHB) on their respective core development programmes – ‘FIRP’ and ‘Maunga Stage 2’ respectively. This included leading a cross regional group in developing a new format ‘Major Works Contract’ aimed at addressing market issues in construction and in construction contracts. Also advised on procurement and project implementation strategies to progress the programmes through Covid and an industry peak cycle.

Retirement and aged care developments

Advising major Aged Care and Retirement developers in the planning, procurement and delivery of retirement villages across New Zealand. Involved in the procurement of some of the largest villages in New Zealand including for Metlifecare, Bupa, and Hopper Developments.

Related expertise

Our lawyers provide clients with clear, strategic and commercial solutions that create lasting impacts to their business

  • Procurement