Nature-positive infrastructure series

  • Opinion

    22 May 2024

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Welcome to MinterEllisonRuddWatts and Arup’s comprehensive article series on nature-positive infrastructure. 

Recent changes in global discourse have highlighted the biodiversity crisis and the urgent need to reverse the loss of nature. The question we need to answer is: Can we develop infrastructure that takes a proactive and restorative approach to nature and biodiversity gain, right from the design stage? This challenge opens the door to nature-positive infrastructure - a developing concept that is gaining traction globally.

In this series will look at the various ways nature can be incorporated into infrastructure projects. We will explore the concept of nature-positive infrastructure, its benefits, its global presence, the regulatory and social mandates, and the specific opportunities it presents in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The articles draw on Arup’s extensive experience in sustainable development and large-scale infrastructure solutions worldwide and MinterEllisonRuddWatts’ expertise in navigating complex regulations and contracts to deliver world-class infrastructure projects.


Nature-positive thinking: An introduction
The current picture: New Zealand's regulatory landscape for nature-positive infrastructure 
Can New Zealand's reforms create opportunities for nature-positive infrastructure?
The UK Environment Act: A new era for Biodiversity Net Gain?
Contract drafting for nature-positive infrastructure