Solar energy in New Zealand

  • Opinion

    04 March 2024

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Welcome to our comprehensive article series on utility-scale solar developments.

Utility or grid-scale solar farms are set to play a key role in the electrification of New Zealand’s economy. Although few farms are currently operating, grid-scale solar accounts for approximately half of the new generation interest in Transpower’s pipeline and makes up the largest share of advanced projects.

With lower development costs relative to other technologies, and the Coalition Government’s stated aims to facilitate faster consenting, we expect to see more of these projects commissioned. Opportunities abound but come hand in hand with challenges.

How do you take a solar project from conception to commission?  

As a full-service law firm, we have the expertise and experience to navigate all aspects of utility-scale solar projects. In this article series, we provide insights and guidance across all stages of a solar development – from planning to operation. We cover matters such as the importance of considering modern slavery in the supply chain and consenting issues right through to decommissioning.

Related articles:

New Zealand's solar market: Key financing considerations
EPC contracting in New Zealand's solar market
Solar energy and modern slavery
When the sun sets on solar panels: End of life solutions
Decommissioning a renewables project
Solar + BESS: An answer to New Zealand’s electricity security equation?
Scaling up solar: What New Zealand can learn from Australia's experience


For tailored guidance and support, or if you would like to discuss any of the themes highlighted in our solar series, please contact our dedicated team of energy experts.