Sustainable Impact: Issue six

  • Publications and reports

    27 June 2024

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Welcome to Sustainable Impact, our publication exploring the conversations and developments in sustainability that are shaping Aotearoa New Zealand’s future.

Over the last six months, much has been written and said in the media about whether the global
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda is waxing or waning. At MinterEllisonRuddWatts the picture is clear: we continue to see commercial and regulatory pressure grow here in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world to ensure that organisations are resilient and addressing environmental and social challenges.

As a result, we are as busy as ever in our work to help business leaders navigate the legal, business and political ramifications of developing and implementing initiatives to achieve ESG and sustainable outcomes.

Sustainable Impact aims to show you what we see: the views and work of organisations and their leaders who continue to push Aotearoa New Zealand’s sustainability ambitions forward in a variety of ways. In this issue we talk to people at the forefront of work across many dimensions:

Fonterra has taken the bold move of setting and publishing targets for its Scope 3 emissions. Director of Sustainability at Fonterra, Charlotte Rutherford and Senior Associate, Kate Cruickshank discuss Fonterra’s sustainability journey, including the importance of taking time to understand the reasons behind a sustainability strategy.

While the majority can all agree that it is time we achieved gender and ethnic pay parity, even the best-intentioned businesses continue to face considerable barriers to achieving it. Partner June Hardacre looks at the increasing attention and scrutiny on businesses, and outlines some actions for businesses looking to make positive progress.

We also sat down with the Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi to understand more about this internationally significant conservation success story, and their work to create an enduring sustainable legacy built around supporting and enhancing biodiversity on the island.

Finally, Partner Lloyd Kavanagh and Senior Associate Claire Brabant apply their microscope to one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest challenges over the coming decade: how to finance to the transition to the low-emissions, climate- resilient future, envisioned under the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 and other initiatives.

We hope that this issue helps to shape your outlook and offers insight: driving progress in useful ways.


This issue is available as a PDF or four digital articles:

The importance of the "why" in sustainability
Pay parity: It's complicated 
Supporting a world-class sanctuary at Tiritiri Matangi
Sustainable investment: Overcoming barriers to KiwiSaver providers investing in private assets