Firm wins at Women in Governance Awards 2024

  • Firm news

    19 September 2024

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Leading New Zealand law firm MinterEllisonRuddWatts’ diversity leadership was again recognised at the Women on Boards New Zealand’s Women in Governance Awards 2024 last night.

MinterEllisonRuddWatts was awarded top honours for the Gender Diverse Organisation Leader (with more than 50 employees) category. 

The firm’s Chief Executive, Andrew Poole says “This award is a reflection of the gender diversity within our board and the progress we've made across the firm. We recognise that there's more work to be done but we are proud of our progress to encourage and support diversity and inclusion in all its forms. It’s the foundation of our firm’s unique culture.

Board member, Partner and the firm’s EDI Committee Chair, Janine Stewart accepted the award on behalf of MinterEllisonRuddWatts, commenting “Setting both aspirational and achievable goals is vital to make a difference, and there needs to be some quick wins. This helps to build the momentum needed to tackle larger goals. We are proud of our work so far, but we acknowledge there is more to be done within our firm and the wider legal profession.

MinterEllisonRuddWatts is a proven leader in diversity and is proud of its progress and achievements to encourage and support greater gender equity. Examples of the firm’s commitment to empowerment, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) include:

  • Its established EDI Committee comprises partners and staff and focuses on advancing diversity in all its forms. 
  • Being the first New Zealand law firm to publicly report its gender and ethnic pay gap via Mind the Gap.
  • Supporting the New Zealand Law Society's Gender Equitable Engagement and Instruction Policy.
  • Paying the living wage as a minimum since 2021, and ensuring our key contractors are also paying their staff the living wage as a minimum.
  • Fostering cultural diversity by actively supporting cultural celebrations such as Māori language week, Diwali and Lunar New Year and Te Reo language classes are offered to all staff.
  • Supporting TupuToa’s scholarship programme to grow more Māori and Pacific leaders, by offering students fully paid internships and employment opportunities during their tertiary studies.
  • Partnering with the ICE Base and Global Women to support the next generation of women leaders. 
  • Being Rainbow Tick certified which demonstrates our commitment to a LGBTTQIA+ inclusive culture and systems, and showing that we are a safe and welcoming workplace for employees who are members of the Rainbow community.
  • Providing unconscious bias training to all staff as part of our induction, and cultural intelligence training to leaders across the firm.
  • Being named National Firm of the Year for Gender Diversity at the Asia-Pacific Women in Business Law Awards 2023, for the sixth time. The awards recognise the best initiatives for gender diversity, innovation, mentoring, work-life balance, pro bono work and talent management.

The Women in Governance Awards are New Zealand’s only awards celebrating women in governance, and organisations and individuals with a strong commitment to gender equity and diversity.