Contracting for infrastructure services: Be my guest

  • Podcast

    05 November 2023

Contracting for infrastructure services: Be my guest Desktop Image Contracting for infrastructure services: Be my guest Mobile Image


In this episode, MinterEllisonRuddWatts Partner Jane Parker talks to Senior Associate Kate Anderson, both from our Technology practice. 

Jane and Kate discuss the different types of hosting arrangements that can be offered, activities that each party to the arrangement can expect to do, and some of the points to think about when things go wrong. 

[2:00] Jane and Kate start off with looking at how arrangements for using software and technology have changed over the years: from iterations on a hard drive, to large scale infrastructure as a service providers 

[10:24] They talk about the physical location of these centres, and why this is still important for a number of reasons, including discussing privacy laws and sanctions.

[15:37] Jane and Kate talk about the necessity of understanding what is actually being provided with the service, for example, to ensure that the equipment is compatible with a party’s software. They also discuss the steps needed to get from contract to go-live, including looking at testing and on-going maintenance: which party is responsible for what activities? [20:45]

[23:20] Finally, they talk about balancing the risks and responsibilities of the arrangement, particularly in the case of a catastrophic event. Jane and Kate consider this from a practical viewpoint and discuss how such events could be managed and the possible consequences. 

Please contact Jane Parker or our Technology team if you need legal advice and guidance on any of the topics discussed in the episode.

Please note that this episode was recorded on 21 August 2023 and is correct as at that date. Please get in touch to receive an episode transcript.

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