XRB opens annual Stakeholder Survey

  • Legal update

    10 May 2024

XRB opens annual Stakeholder Survey  Desktop Image XRB opens annual Stakeholder Survey  Mobile Image

The External Reporting Board (XRB) has opened its annual Stakeholder Survey and is calling for feedback in relation to its audit and assurance standards, accounting standards, and climate standards. It gives stakeholders the opportunity to do this once a year.

The survey can be found here.

Who should read this? Why?

Stakeholders of entities that report under any of XRB’s reporting standards (including climate reporting entities) should take the time to provide feedback for the future improvement of the XRB’s reporting standard requirements. This will be of particular importance to directors, financial officers, auditors, accountants, assurance practitioners, sustainability professionals and regulators.

What does it cover?

The survey asks questions in relation to the effectiveness of the reporting standards in helping entities to:  

  • contribute to the allocation of capital towards activities that are consistent with a transition to a low-emissions, climate-resilient future;  
  • communicate their performance story and enhance entities’ transparency, accountability and stewardship to stakeholders; and 
  • engender trust and confidence in New Zealand financial and non-financial reporting.

The survey also asks questions in relation to stakeholder satisfaction with the XRB’s consultation process and the quality of collateral, engagement opportunities and guidance delivered by XRB.

Next steps

We see this as a good opportunity for XRB reporting entities to provide valued feedback based on their experiences and encourage them to take the opportunity to provide this feedback.


This article was co-authored by Andrew Walker, a Law Clerk, in our Financial Services team.